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AMFG Product Release Announcement - R54
AMFG Product Release Announcement - R54
Yordan Mitrev avatar
Written by Yordan Mitrev
Updated over a week ago

We're excited to announce that our next Release (R54) is coming soon to your AMFG platform. Our aim is always to provide greater stability and enhance your productivity, and this update is no exception. One major update is the introduction of enhanced CNC (Computer Numerical Control) features that are available to select customers and can be purchased through consultation with an AMFG consultant.

R54 will go-live on Saturday, 10th of February 2024.

We estimate a system downtime of up to 4 hours, from 6-10 am UK time on the day of the release.

The coming release will introduce many exciting new functionalities. Some of our headline new features include:

  • CNC Raw Material Inventory Management:

    • Add/ remove material blanks (raw materials used for CNC machining of parts)

    • Supplier management for materials

    • Blank material cost and price handling

    • Use of the blanks with parts in tickets and orders for pricing and quoting

    • This functionality enables more effective inventory management and more standardized costing and pricing for parts to be manufactured. Thus assisting with the pricing, quoting, and production of CNC-manufactured parts as well as the procurement and management of raw materials

  • Worker Marketplace:

    • Ability to share, consume, and use Workers for pricing and other automation tasks

    • Part pricing with workers enables advanced calculations and logic utilizing Python or JavaScript in AMFG. This allows the pricing of more complex parts and geometries, enabling additional technologies (e.g. CNC), and has the potential to enable more accurate or competitive pricing

  • AMFG Cura & PreForm Integration

    • Open Parts and Builds in Ultimaker Cura & Formlabs PreForm directly from AMFG (get in touch to find out how this can be enabled). This saves considerable time in Build Preparation and reduces human error

You will gain access to several additional newly developed features:

  • Guest Quote Request Workflow Enhancement

    • A more seamless workflow has been enabled for guest customers in the front end ordering portal relating to manual requests (RFQs) or instant orders that require review. This saves time for you in issuing quotes to the guest customers and improves the user experience for the customers, resulting in a potential for higher conversion rates. Note this will only be applicable if you all guests to use your ordering portal

  • Ticket URLs in Emails

    • Open Management Console tickets directly from emails sent with AMFG (a URL leading to the Management Console ticket can now be included in an email utilizing a new variable). This allows quick access to Tickets / Projects in internal emails, reducing time spent on admin

  • Ticket Duplication

    • Duplicate a Ticket / Project in the Management Console. This saves considerable time for re-orders, re-creating similar tickets or amending orders

  • Minimum Order Value Update

    • Set a Minimum Order Value in Management Console Tickets (previously only supported in Front End Ordering Portal). This creates consistency in the minimum order value and ensures that internal personnel adhere to minimum order price requirements (providing a potential upside on revenues if minimum order pricing was not adhered to in the past)

  • Added data in Projects Overview

    • Two new data columns are available in the Projects tab: PO Number and Project Name

    • A new data column is available in the Item tab, "Next step". This shows users the next manufacturing step for the item

  • Production notes enhancements

    • Users can now edit and delete production notes for greater flexibility

    • This functionality now also supports file attachments

  • Order Push Message (JSON) v1.11

    • Push messages can now be sent directly from a Ticket. Previously, this functionality was exclusive to Projects.

    • New data fields are now available, expanding the range of information that can be captured and utilized (see presentation for new schema)

For more details, you can also review the presentation below:

​Stay tuned to learn more about AMFG's new features and what else we have prepared for you!

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